Friday, June 24, 2016

Introductory Note: Pretentious, Simultaneously Self-Deprecating and Self-Aggrandizing Gobbledygook

There are certain periods of life when even beloved activities and pursuits become difficult to fully enjoy, because the precondition of full enjoyment of anything is wholehearted engagement with it. Distraction and half heartedness, once they they have taken root, can leave former sources of joy sapped of their strength for us. This malady is not necessarily a condition of active misery, but it exacerbates a real or perceived emptiness in an individual's life and reduces our ability to rely on our traditional sources of comfort and rejuvenation. My limited experience seems to give me the lesson that the only real solution to arriving at such an impasse is to find a new angle or pathway from which to approach the materials furnished by this world for us. I have never been a particularly active writer (or even converser) upon the things in my life I care and think about the most, as attempting to pour my heart and mind out for the world to see is a very fearful task for the sniveling coward I unfortunately am at present. Yet, active engagement with my interests needs to be restored to a higher level if I am to feel satisfied with the way I live my life, and more coherent analytical writing and thought seems the only road available to me. Following my intellectual and cultural inclinations in an eclectic and haphazard manner was all well and good for a while, but as I grow further into adulthood, it is not enough, in the view of both myself and others. Therefore, I have elected to start this blog as a tool and motivation to think more clearly about the cultural and social phenomena that are presented to my eyes and ears, and to convey whatever impressions of mine might be of use to others, scant as they might be. Initially, this blog may be dominated by discussion of films, as they are perhaps my major interest, and to a lesser extent TV programs, but I would like to further engage with literature on here as well. I will also in all likelihood engage to some degree with politics and political theory. All of my views and writings on these subjects will probably be rightfully rejected as completely unbearable by polite society, but with luck there are a few weirdos in this world who could find me perversely enjoyable. If you are such a weirdo, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Replies
    1. This blog has been tarnished and compromised even more quickly than I could have anticipated.

  2. But, no, seriously, I enjoy and respect your writing and your insights very much and I'm excited that you're doing this. I will certainly be a regular reader, comrade Dave.
